World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Court of Stars guide

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The World of Warcraft: Dragonflight update has introduced a fair bit of new content to the MMO along with some fun side quests and mini-games for players to try out. One such offering is to find the spy named Gerenth the Vile in the Court of Stars dungeon by talking to five Chatty Rumormongers and discovering the clues. While this dungeon was something that was added to the title with the Legion expansion, the mini-game is a great new addition that you will be able to take part in.

There are a lot of interactable items in the dungeon that you will be able to use to gain buffs in order to take down the bosses there. There are a total of three in number, Patrol Captain Gerdo, Talixae Flamewreath, and Advisor Melandrus.

The Gerenth the Vile mini-game pops up as soon as you defeat the second boss, Talixae Flamewreath, and to start it you will be required to interact with Ly’leth Lunastre and then get a disguise to sneak into the part. The party is an exclusive gala held by the nobility in the capital of Suramar, and you will have to solve all five clues to be able to complete the mini-game.

Hence, today’s guide will go over some of the things that you will need to do to easily find the spy, Gerenth the Vile, in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s Court of Stars.

Finding the spy, Gerenth the Vile in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

To be able to find the spy in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s Court of Stars, you can take on three different approaches.

First way

The first way, which seems like the most apparent one, will be to talk to all the Chatty Rumormongers after infiltrating the party and then inspecting each of the Suspicious Nobles. This will take a considerable amount of time for you to finally find the one that fits the clues as well as the description.

Second way

The second way is the fastest, but it only works if you have a Demon Hunter in your party in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. All you will need to do is collect all the clues and then they can use their Spectral Sight to find where the imposter is.

Third Way

The third way is the most convenient one and should be implemented by those who do not have a Demon Hunter in their party. This method involves using Naowh’s auto-selecting WeakAura.

After talking to every Suspicious Noble when the WeakAura is active, you will eventually come upon the spy who will start running up the stairs. This completely cuts out the need to collect clues, making it one of the best ways to complete the mini-game in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

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