Will Roman Reigns return to WWE before 2023 ends? Exploring his return date

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Over the years, Roman Reigns has reached an exalted status in WWE and has bolstered his place at the top of the hierarchy. As a result, The Tribal Chief enjoys some exclusive privileges, one of which is his part-time schedule.

The leader of The Bloodline was last seen on WWE programming at Crown Jewel 2023, and since then, the WWE Universe has not gotten a glimpse of him. Moreover, he took the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship away with him.

While Reigns' rarity has enraged many, others have been wondering whether they have seen his last appearance of 2023 in Saudi Arabia. However, that's not the case, as the 38-year-old will make one more appearance this year.

Roman Reigns is advertised for the December 15 edition of Friday Night SmackDown, emanating from the Resch Center in Green Bay, WI. This will probably be his last televised appearance this year.

Following this, the Undisputed Champion will grace the WWE Universe with his presence on the January 5, 2024 edition of SmackDown. This will be his first appearance on the blue brand of the new year.

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The Tribal Chief has many foes on the roster, and the list extends across every brand. Some of them have not yet forgotten the scars he gave them and are looking for retribution.

One of those superstars who desperately wants to get a piece of the Undisputed Champion is Randy Orton. The Viper signed with Friday Night SmackDown only to hunt down each and every member of The Bloodline.

He sent an ultimatum to Paul Heyman that he was coming for The Tribal Chief. The Apex Predator made his intentions very clear, as he has not yet forgotten what the faction did to him.

There's a good possibility that Randy Orton could face Roman Reigns at Royal Rumble next year. The storyline is seemingly heading in that direction on Friday Night SmackDown.

The two juggernauts could clash inside the squared circle at Tropicana Field next year, as they have a rich history. WWE will seemingly start building up this potential feud when Roman Reigns returns to SmackDown.

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