Why is Rolling Ray in a wheelchair? Condition explored as rapper puts death rumors to rest

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Internet personality and musician Rolling Ray returned to social media following an unexpected hiatus in January after being infected with COVID-19.

Though the rapper is very much alive, rumor had it that the 25-year-old passed away. His team neither confirmed nor denied his passing, which made fans wearier about his health.

On April 5, the social media star took to his Twitter account and posted a video of himself in a wheelchair. The right side of his hair was shaved and read “NOT DEAD.” The rapper got off an elevator and confirmed that he was not dead. He looked into the camera and said:

“Oh. Wait? I’m not dead. It never gave dead. Do not ever play with me. I’m Rolling Ray, the most famous boy in a wheelchair, and it’s still giving what’s supposed to be gave, puurrr!”

His tweet read:

Why is Rolling Ray in a wheelchair?

Different narratives of the star being in a wheelchair have been circulating across social media.

In September 2018, it was believed that the singer was hospitalized after being hit by a car while crossing the street. The same led to him being wheelchair-bound. Rolling Ray’s Twitter account also showed a picture of him laying in a hospital bed with a motorized wheelchair on the side, “confirming” the accident. The tweet read:

A few days following the accident, Rolling Ray tweeted that the people who hoped he would die but they were “big mad” as he was still alive since “it wasn’t my time!”

He also claimed that music legends Beyoncé and Jay-Z called him as he was in the hospital and told him to “keep his head up” and ignore the trolls who claimed that the incident was a publicity stunt.

Followers of the singer also speculated that Ray was born with a disability following the release of Saucy Santana’s diss track Walk. The latter coincidentally released the song on National Disability Day, which left the internet speculating that the song was about him.

In response to Santana’s song, Ray uploaded a statement on social media sharing that the hardships a person with a disability faces is something worth acknowledging. He also shed light on not only the physical but mental health challenges that wheelchair-bound people face as well. The post read:

Ray became a popular internet figure following his appearance on MTV's Catfish: Trolls. The episode he appeared on showed the dispute between him and his other online nemesis Camyonce.

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