Who are Alec Burleson's parents, Betty and Jenny? A glimpse into the family life of St. Louis Cardin

May 2024 · 5 minute read

The St. Louis Cardinals picked outfielder Alec Burleson in the second round (70th overall) in the 2020 MLB Draft. Burleson also plays first base for the team.

Alec Burleson was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, on November 25, 1998. HIs full name is Alec Michael Burleson. Jason and Betty Burleson are Alec Burleson's parents. Bradley Burleson is his brother.

Here's an Instagram post of Alec Burleson wishing his mother on Mother's Day.

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70% Win


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70% Win


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Alec's mother, Betty shared a picture on her social media with husband.

Happy Anniversary and Valentine’s Day to my favorite person. Love you with all my heart ❤️ - nurse4u951

Alec's parents are very close to him, and they have helped him through every stage of his life. They frequently come to the stadium to support him and watch his games.

Alec Burleson's professional career

Burleson signed a contract with St. Louis Cardinals for $700,000. Due to the postponed season in 2020, he did not play a single minor league game.

He was given the Peoria Chiefs of the High-A Central to start the 2021 campaign. He was swiftly promoted to the Double-A Central's Springfield Cardinals then, in early August, to the Triple-A East's Memphis Redbirds.

Burleson finished the 2021 campaign with a combined slash line of.270/.329/.454 over 119 games between the three organizations, including 22 home runs and 76 RBIs.

For the start of the 2022 campaign, Burleson moved back to Memphis. He cut throughout 109 games.20 home runs, 87 RBIs, and 25 doubles while hitting 331/.372/.532.

The Cardinals chose Burleson's contract and promoted him to the major leagues on September 6, 2022. On September 8, he made his Major League Baseball debut for the team as their starting right fielder, going hitless in four at-bats while walking once in an 11-6 defeat to the Washington Nationals.

On September 11, in a 4-3 victory for St. Louis, he got his first MLB hit, a single off Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Duane Underwood Jr. On September 23, against Hanser Alberto of the Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium, the Cardinals defeated the Dodgers 11-0. He had a.188 batting average with one home run, three RBIs, and one double in 48 at-bats in 16 games with the Cardinals in 2022.

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