What is the best moveset for Fomantis in Pokemon GO?

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Pokemon GO's Solstice Horizons event will take place from June 16, 2023, to June 25, 2023. It will have different Pocket Monster spawns depending on the time of day. One such creature making its return is Fomantis, whose shiny form can also be caught for the first time in the game. While catching it to update the Pokedex or snag a shiny is one thing, players may also be curious about its battle capabilities.

Put plainly, Fomantis isn't great for combat compared to its evolved form Lurantis, but some trainers may still decide to use it regardless. If this is the case, players will want to use the optimal movesets for the creature in PvE or PvP to compensate for its considerably paltry IV stats.

Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the opinions of the writer

What is Fomantis' best moveset for Pokemon GO PvE?

As previously stated, Fomantis isn't exactly ideal for Pokemon GO battles in its pre-evolved state. It simply doesn't have the stats to compete, and this even applies to PvE battles. However, trainers could ostensibly use it in limited action in low-tier raids or against Team GO Rocket grunts, though there are many better options.

Regardless, players using Fomantis will want to utilize Grass-type moves in its PvE moveset since trainers will often know the opponents they're up against. Fortunately, Fomantis has some quality options by way of Razor Leaf for its Fast Move and either Grass Knot, Energy Ball, or Leaf Blade for its Charged Move.

Although Fomantis has access to three Grass-type Charged Moves in Pokemon GO, Grass Knot offers the best value when its damage per second and damage per energy point numbers are considered.

Recommended Fomantis PvE Moveset - Razor Leaf and Grass Knot

What is Fomantis' best moveset in Pokemon GO PvP?

While Fomantis doesn't have much of a chance in the conventional GO Battle League modes, specialty cups can occasionally change things up. Certain formats that arrive periodically impose CP or element limits that can actually improve Fomantis' viability in PvP combat immensely.

With that having been said, Fomantis needs a little extra type coverage to compete in PvP. It can still stick to Grass-type moves for damage, but its low durability requires it to use quicker Fast Moves with more dependable energy generation. This way, Fomantis can fire its Charged Moves more often.

For Charged Moves, Fomantis unfortunately only has Grass-type options available in the game at the moment. Grass Knot can still apply due to its damage, but Fomantis may also need a cheaper Charged Move option energy-wise so that it can fire off more often before it faints.

In this context, trainers may want to consider picking up a second Charged Move in the form of Leaf Blade. It certainly doesn't deal the damage of Grass Knot, but it comes at a cost of 70 energy compared to 90.

With a Bug-type Fast Move and two Grass-type Charged Moves, Fomantis will have all the type coverage it can utilize at this point in the mobile title.

Recommended PvP Moveset for Fomantis - Fury Cutter, Grass Knot, and Leaf Blade.

Keep in mind that Pokemon GO is a game that is constantly being updated and tweaked. In light of this, any recommended moveset isn't set in stone, and trainers should be willing to change it accordingly to fit their own demands and those of the meta they're placing Fomantis into.

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