What happened to Adam Rich? Internet admonishes the spread of vaccine theory amid Eight Is Enough st

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Adam Rich, best known for playing Nicholas Bradford in the 70s sitcom Eight Is Enough passed away at the age of 54 on Saturday, January 7, 2023.

The Los Angeles County Department of Medical-Examiner Coroner confirmed that Rich died at his home in Brentwood. The cause of death was not disclosed, but foul play is not suspected.

After his passing, the actor's publicist, Danny Deraney, tweeted a statement, calling him "a warrior in the fight for mental illness" and "America's little brother."

As condolences poured in, netizens began linking his death to the Covid vaccine. Adam Rich was a vocal proponent of vaccination and had numerous tweets on the topic. Tweets castigating these users have now also surfaced.

Adam Rich battled clinical depression throughout his life and substance abuse in his 20s, encountering legal troubles along the way. Although he sobered up as he grew older, he tried various medical trials for his mental health issues.

Adam Rich's death fuelling vaccine conspiracy theories

Adam Rich had his first TV appearance at the age of 7 in an episode of The Six Million Dollar Man. His role as the youngest child, Nicholas, of the Bradford family on Eight Is Enough, which ran from 1977 to 1981, cemented his presence in the hearts of America and made him one of the biggest child actors of the time. He also voiced Presto the Magician in the animated series Dungeons & Dragons and played the role of Danny Blake in Code Red in the ‘80s.

Over the years, Rich made sporadic appearances on television and even starred in a 1998 production of Sound of Music on Broadway. The actor was also a frequent guest at fan events and conventions, maintaining a steady fan base throughout his career.

Adam Rich had an active Twitter account, where he made several posts advocating for the vaccine and urging audiences to vaccinate. Following his untimely passing, anti-vaxxers took up those tweets and claimed that the vaccine was the reason behind his death.

A few conspiracy theorists pushed that the vaccines were causing significant health problems, including a weakened immune system and an increased chance of a heart attack.

However, many netizens were also quick to shoot down the theories. They pointed out that the actor's struggles with substance abuse could have contributed to a health condition.

At the same time, some Twitteratis also noted the insensitivity of the tweets speculating about the actor's death and discussing conspiracy theories. Moreover, they urged people to let his family have their privacy during this difficult time.

Although doubts remain about his exact cause of death, it is clear that Adam Rich was well-loved within the entertainment industry.

Betty Buckley, who played Nicholas Bradford's step-mother, Abby, on Eight Is Enough, shared a heartfelt message and posted a series of photos on her Instagram as a tribute, stating that they remained close throughout the years and that she will miss her "young pal" greatly.

Besides Buckley, Jay Duplass, John Fugelsang, Todd Bridges, and Lydia Cornell were among the actors who shared a tribute to the beloved actor on social media.

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