Warzone 2 developers respond to game-breaking bug that kills players before dropping

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 received a major update on March 15 with the launch of Season 2 Reloaded, which introduced a wealth of new content to the game, including a new weapon and operator, as well as several bug fixes and weapon balancing tweaks. Unfortunately, players have also discovered a new glitch that is causing frustration and ruining matches. This glitch affects both Ashika Island and Al Mazrah and causes players to die as soon as they jump off the plane. While there is currently no fix for this issue, players can try to avoid it happening to them.

This bug results in players losing their first life in a regular battle royale match and being sent directly to the Gulag. In Ashika Island, players are forced to wait up to 15 seconds before respawning, which can be particularly unfair to their team.

Raven Software is working on Warzone 2's game-breaking bug

The developers have acknowledged this issue and have communicated to the players that they are working on a fix. They have also identified that this glitch is caused when a player is downed in the pre-game lobby and remains downed when the timer runs out, which then carries over to the main game, resulting in their instant death upon infiltration.

Since it is a pre-game lobby, players should not be able to get downed and rather get fully-killed directly. However, this bug is causing them to get knocked out via fall damage instead of dying directly and respawning. It's worth noting that the bug does not affect players if they are shot down by an enemy player, as they are fully-killed directly.

Players can avoid this by simply pulling their parachute before landing to avoid getting downed during the pre-game lobby or "giving up" if they get downed to avoid unintentionally dying at the start of the main game.

Raven Software is currently investigating this issue, and players can expect a hotfix to go live in a day or so. They can keep track of all the bugs and glitches in Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 by accessing the official Trello board linked in the developer's Twitter bio.

Season 2 Reloaded of Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 is currently live on all platforms, including PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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