Toya Wright And Reign Rushing Are Twinning In Neon Green Outfits Check Out The Latest Pics

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Toya Wright is known for her fashion game, and her little girl seems to follow her mom’s steps. Reign Rushing is dressed to kill in the latest photos that her mom shared on her social media account.

Someone wrote ‘I love this. Reign is so adorable. 😍 she gives me baby fever all over again. 😰’

Another follower said ‘I am beyond impressed with this little one. Hiiii Reigny Poo,. Toya thanks for sharing your little princess with us. I admire your parenting dynamics, STAY BLESSED🙏’

A supporter had some questions involving Reigny’s dad, Robert Rushing: ‘I’ve been wanting to ask you if she looks like her father for the longest of time now…. I don’t recall ever seeing him to the best of my knowledge 🤷🏾‍♀️ but as cute as she is I don’t think she favors you at all. I think Nae got greedy when she reached your Ovaries BUILD-A-BABY gene pool lol… Poor Reign couldn’t find crumbs of you when she traveled from the fallopian tubes down to ya uterus, yo womb was spotless Chileee! It just a message on the wall that said REGINAE WAS HERE 😂😂😂😂 …. I tickled my damn self writing this, Congrats Toya she’s adorable. 😍💜’

Someone else does not like the idea of wearing sweatpants and heels: ‘Heels in a work outfit…….not sportswear shoes????? Huh, are we working out or just free promotion for Chanel is this what we embedding the future generations is just to look cute???? I do love what u do, and i do feel you are a wonderful mother and woman….not hating at all much love…..just different view.’

Another person gushed over Reigny’s gorgeous brows and said: ‘LOOOOVE her lil brows, they’re gonna be fierce when she grows up.’


Toya has recently been spending more time with her late brother Josh’s daughter, Jashae and fans love this.
