Stephanie Mendoza Car Accident

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Stephanie Melgoza Car Accident Leaves Two Dead

On April 10, 2022, Stephanie Melgoza, a 24-year-old senior at Bradley University in Illinois, was responsible for the deaths of two pedestrians in Avon, Ohio. Melgoza's speeding car struck and killed Andrea Rosewicz, 43, and Paul Prowant, 55, as they walked near the Full Throttle Bar. The deadly car accident was the direct result of Melgoza's drunk driving.

Driver Was Intoxicated and Reckless

When officers arrived on the scene, they quickly discovered that Melgoza was driving while intoxicated. A search of her vehicle uncovered a smoking pipe, an open bottle of vodka, and a small bag of marijuana. Police body camera footage from the incident shows a visibly intoxicated Melgoza smiling inappropriately as officers inform her that her actions killed two people.

Guilty Plea and Sentencing

After initially pleading not guilty, Melgoza eventually entered a guilty plea on four felony counts related to the crash. On April 27, 2023, she was found guilty and expressed regret for her actions. The families of the victims had sought the maximum sentence of twenty-eight years, but Judge Rim Cusack ultimately sentenced Melgoza to fourteen years in prison.

Deadly Consequences of Drunk Driving

This heartbreaking case illustrates the potential consequences of driving while impaired. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 29 people die every day in motor vehicle crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver. Innocent lives are put at risk when people make the irresponsible choice to drive while intoxicated.

Remembering the Victims

Andrea Rosewicz and Paul Prowant were beloved members of the Avon community in Ohio. Andrea was a devoted mother to her 13-year-old son. She worked as an intervention specialist at Heritage Elementary School where she was beloved by students and colleagues alike. Paul was a passionate baseball coach and fan who positively impacted the lives of many young players. Their tragic deaths left behind grieving loved ones.

The Ripple Effects of One Fateful Decision

Stephanie Melgoza made a choice on that April night that would forever alter numerous lives. Her deadly decision to drive while impaired destroyed two families and left her own future in ruins. While Melgoza will serve her sentence, those impacted by the crash are left to pick up the pieces.

Don't Drink and Drive

Stephanie Melgoza's case serves as a sobering reminder about the dangers of drunk driving. If you plan to drink, arrange for alternate transportation. Never get behind the wheel if you've been drinking. A split-second poor choice can result in injury, death and destroyed lives. Drive sober and help prevent these horrific tragedies.
