Some Of T.I.s Fans Are Angry With Him And Say Hes Been Disrespectful And Arrogant Follow

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Yesterday was a really hard day for the Harris family. It was the funeral of their beloved Precious Harris.

A couple of days ago, Tip imagined having a conversation with Precious, and it’s heartbreaking. More fans and followers told him that they were in tears while reading it.

In another post, Tip made Precious a promise:

‘Unbreakable. Inseparable. Irreplaceable. I can’t say enough to thank you for all of your love, service, and commitment to this family. We’ll be Loving, caring for, and uplifting each other… just the way you taught us for ALL of this life and well into the next!!! I promise not to allow MY PAIN to overwhelm my happiness for YOUR PEACE…& I’ll do all I can to fill the void… an impossible feat… But for you… I WILL!!! All our Love for All our Lives…&after!!!!’

During all this time, Tip’s family, friends, and fans were here for him, and their followers and fans have been flooding his social media with countless of kind words and prayers.

Now, it seems that his actions made some fans feel disrespected by him and they don’t understand his attitude.

Tip shared a photo of his cousins, and there, more people commented, complaining.

Someone said ‘I think your live was so disrespectful people are genuinely hurt by your loss and it’s like you were saying you don’t need our condolences because y’all good over there we know your going to be good but damn you introduced Precious to the world so how you think we’re not going to feel sad about her passing…. @troubleman31 you are to arrogant for your own good! We prayed for Precious and we will continue to pray for @kamayadaplug @plugchapman and the entire family @troubleman31 you need to take that chip off your shoulder it’s covering up you big head 🙄’

There have been more similar comments, but most of his fans didn’t seem to feel like that, and they continued to keep the family lifted in prayer.

A supporter said ‘Yo @troubleman31 I’m very sorry for your loss my brother. I hope you’re doing well. Keep your head up player. Condolences to you and your family.’

Another person wrote ‘I see so much beauty in this picture. Beauty from within, irreplaceable beauty. Beauty that will not fade over time, nor with from the harshness of life. Beauty that can only be appreciated once the scales of society have been removed from your eyes. I see individuality and confidence laced with inner strength. Beauty emanates from the inside out. @troubleman31 your family is amazing, strong, resilient, loyal to each other. Be thankful, stay humble. It’s a blessing, so stay blessed.’

Tip has definitely been having the hardest time, and he has been suffering a lot even if he did not want to show this.


He repeated more times that he would try and be strong and happy because he knows that this is what Precious Harris would have wanted. He was only thinking about her and what she would have liked.
