New details emerge about the man who legitimately attacked and injured AEW's Don Callis after show

May 2024 · 4 minute read

AEW villain Don Callis was recently attacked by a fan at AAA TripleMania XXXI. The incident happened after the show during the press conference after Callis spoke ill about Kenny Omega in what was a work.

Dave Meltzer reported on the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and gave a detailed description of what happened. After Callis had a go at Omega, Konosuke Takeshita came out and attacked the leader of the Golden Elite. While this was happening, Callis threw a kick at Omega but was restrained by security.

Then as the security had a hold of Callis, a person who used to work as security for wrestling shows and concerts got involved and attacked Callis. As per Meltzer, Don suffered an ear injury, a busted mouth, and an injured neck.

Despite all this, he was able to make it to AEW Blood and Guts and is fortunate that nothing untoward happened during the incident. He was also involved in the match as he came out from the back and instructed Takeshita to abandon the Blackpool Combat Club as they were being dominated by The Golden Elite.

Will Chris Jericho join Don Callis’ faction?

Don Callis has been incessantly trying to lure Chris Jericho into joining his faction and has been at it for weeks. Chris Jericho, for his part, has been playing it safe and has not given a definitive answer much to Callis’ frustration.

There is a chance that Chris Jericho will join up with Callis afterall. It has been clear for all to see that the leader of the Jericho Appreciation Society has been losing his grip on his team, and it was made even more evident after the AEW Blind Tag Team tournament finals.

After MJF and Adam Cole beat Sammy Guevara and Daniel Garcia, Jericho came out to console his faction members, but they ignored his advances in front of the world and walked past him, leaving The Ocho embarrassed.

Callis can bring this up the next time they meet in the ring and can sway Chris Jericho to finally accept his proposal to join the faction. At this point, it seems to be a matter of when and not if Chris Jericho and Don Callis will come together.

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