Like a Dragon: Ishin - All pre-order and Digital Deluxe bonuses, early access details, and more

May 2024 · 4 minute read

With Like a Dragon: Ishin finally getting remade and released for the West, there is a lot that fans of the Yakuza series can look forward to.

The spinoff is set to have its official release on February 21, 2023, for platforms including PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Apart from all the things that the base game has to offer, players who pre-order the title and get their hands on the Digital Deluxe edition will be able to enjoy additional rewards and content.

The game's developer, Ryu Ga Gotoku, has made it so that those who pre-order the Digital Deluxe edition of Like a Dragon: Ishin can try the game out in early access four days ahead of launch.

Those who have already bought this edition of the game will be able to start playing the game tomorrow, February 17, 2022, when the early access period goes live at 15:00 GMT for all regions and platforms.

All Like a Dragon: Ishin pre-order bonuses

Like a Dragon: Ishin will feature a fair number of pre-order bonuses for those picking up the Digital Deluxe edition. Apart from early access, players will also be able to get their hands on a fair number of additional content, which includes the following:

It’s important to note that the pre-order bonuses are restricted to the Digital Deluxe edition of the game. Hence, those who have already purchased the Standard edition of the game will not be able to get their hands on these drops.

All Like a Dragon: Ishin Digital Deluxe DLC packs

The Digital Deluxe edition of the JRPG will also contain additional DLC packs irrespective of whether players are pre-ordering it. Those getting the edition even after launch will be able to get their hands on six different DLC packs, which will contain exclusive kits otherwise unavailable in the game.

These DLC packs will include the following:

While the DLC packs are not required to enjoy the base game, they add a fair bit of style to Kiryu and provide a fresh new look to the game.

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