LeBron James vs Michael Jordan net worth: Money talks and shows a clear winner

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

LeBron James became the NBA's all-time leading scorer after breaking Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's longstanding record and many are crowining him now as the "G.O.A.T." or the greatest of all time.

The basketball accolades, records and level of play will always be debated between fans from both players, while many others are just appreciative of having the opportunity of seeing both players greatness being displayed on the court throughout their careers.

LeBron James' and Michael Jordan's net worth

Michael Jordan became the first ever basketball player to become a billionaire, but Jordan achieved that almost 10 years after his retirement from the NBA, thanks mainly to his investment in the Charlotte Hornets and his partnership with Nike for the Jordan brand.

But LeBron James also reached that milestone, but did it while still being an active player in the NBA, the first time this has ever happened and might well be on his way to rival Jordan or even take the title of richest basketball player in the sports history.

LeBron James has a net worth of $1 billion dollars according to Forbes, which say that he reached that amount thanks to having earned more than $385 million dollars in pretax salary from his NBA playing contracts with the Cavs, Heat and Lakers, as well as making north of $900 million pretax in off the court business ventures, which include endorsement deals like his lifetime deal with Nike, plus equity in brands and his own production company.

Michael Jordan on the other hand has a net worth of $1.7 billion dollars according to Forbes, but contrary to LeBron James, Jordan only made $90 million dollars through NBA salaries during his career, but managing to earn over $1.8 billion dollars through his partnership with Nike, Gatorade, DraftKings and Hanes.

On top of that, Michael Jordan also owns the majority stake at the Charlotte Hornets, which are valued at $1.7 billion dollars.
