Jon Jones: Jon Jones details chasing an attempted robber with a shotgun on his property

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Jon Jones has revisited the time he chased an alleged robber with a shotgun on his property in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In November 2020, Jones posted a video on Instagram featuring footage of himself, shotgun in hand, chasing someone off his property.

Jones explained that the footage was from a security camera. 'Bones' suggested that the individual was a man who broke into his property intending to rob him, likely to steal his vehicles.

Watch Jones' Instagram video below:

In a recent interview with Nina Drama, Jon Jones was asked about the aforementioned video that went viral in 2020. He replied by confirming that the incident and video were indeed real. Jones indicated that he was playing a video game at around 3 am when he received an alert on his phone, courtesy of his property's surveillance system.

Jones noted that as he had a good reception, his phone buzzed immediately when the person entered his property. Jones added that he usually ignores such alerts at night, as it could be a cat or the wind, but he refused to be complacent this time and checked his phone.

He then saw the trespasser/attempted robber's video footage on his phone, took a shotgun, and went to confront the person. Meanwhile, the alleged robber entered two of Jones' vehicles in the driveway before running away, as Jones' garage door opened. 'Bones' recalled seeing the person's bright sneakers on his driveway as captured by the camera and said:

"He had light shoes on. I saw his shoes. It was really a distinctive thing for me. But anyways, I ran out to my garage. I pick up a shotgun, a bird gun -- which wouldn't have hurt him, right? It's just birdshot. Well, it would've hurt him. It wouldn't have killed him."

Furthermore, Jones implied that the person probably knew it was his (Jones') house. Harking back to chasing and then speaking to the person, 'Bones' said:

"I had a little conversation with him, as I was banging on his car window. I was telling him, I was just like, 'Don't you ever come to my fu*king house again.'"

Watch Jones discuss the topic at 2:00 in the video below:

Jon Jones has his sights set on UFC heavyweight glory in 2023

Former UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones is set to end his three-year MMA hiatus as he will make his heavyweight debut in a few hours from now. 'Bones' is scheduled to fight former interim UFC heavyweight champion Ciryl Gane for the vacant UFC heavyweight title at UFC 285 on Saturday (March 4, 2023).

Moreover, Jon Jones has expressed interest in potentially fighting heavyweight legend Stipe Miocic next. The consensus is that should 'Bones' defeat Gane at UFC 285, he will defend the heavyweight championship against Miocic in July this year.

Jones, for his part, has consistently maintained that he aims to cement his legacy as the best fighter ever.

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