Jhene Aiko Fans Take Over Twitter in Response to New Album

April 2024 · 2 minute read

Supermoon Appears Big And Bright In Night Sky

Jhene Aiko has quickly become one of the most talked about artists on the urban music scene, and yesterday the singer/song writer released her highly anticipated debut album, Souled Out.  Aiko originally gained popularity in the early 2000s when, in an attempt to market and build her career, she was introduced as rapper Lil Fizz’ cousin; although the two are not actually related. Lil Fizz was a member of the popular all-male group B2K and record executives thought her affiliation to the group would help Aiko achieve success. However, B2K has since disbanded, and for years Aiko remained relatively unknown.

Aiko’s career took a positive turn in 2011 when she released her first EP, .sailing soul(s) and in just a few short years, the L.A. native has been able to capture the adoration of many with her unique singing style and heart felt lyrics. Since the release of her debut EP, the 26 year old has gained more than 600,000 Twitter followers, all of whom have been anxiously awaiting the release of her first full length studio album.

After yesterday’s release many of Aiko’s fans have quickly taken to Twitter to express their excitement and appreciation for her new project using the hash tag #souledout. Since the album’s release many of Aiko’s followers have been Tweeting their favorite lyrics, uploading selfies with them holding a copy of the album, posting pictures of album art as well as images from last night’s full moon, which many fans chose to observe while listening. One user tweeted that she had the album on repeat all day, following with “Jhene Aiko is something special.” Other Twitter users have also expressed that they “can’t get enough” of the album, also calling it a “breath of fresh air.”

Aiko, who often uses Twitter to interact and connect with fans has expressed her gratitude by re-tweeting several of her favorite posts, including one that says, “I drove to three Targets to find the deluxe. I smiled when I saw your name listed as the sole writer for every song. #SouledOut.”

Grateful for her contribution to the music world, and apparently, their lives, Aiko’s fans have described the album as “flawless,” a compliment that has most recently been reserved for Beyoncé.

(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
