Jenna Dewan: Channing wasnt available to be with us when Everly was 2 months old

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Jenna Dewan was a guest on the Dear Gabby podcast, with author and motivational speaker Gabby Bernstein. Gabby has written a bunch of books on spiritual practices and motivation. From what I gathered she’s online friends with Jenna, who has read all her books. Jenna is getting the most headlines for saying that Channing Tatum wasn’t around after the birth of their daughter, Everly, eight. Jenna has since had another child, son Callum, 16 months, with fiance Steve Kazee. I listened to the podcast and came away with such respect for Jenna. She mentioned so many things I could relate to, and I also enjoyed hearing from Gabby. Here’s some of what Jenna said:

On how her friends were ignoring covid restrictions
I just felt like it was my responsibility to be pretty covid cautious. I was not seeing that in my day to day life. I was having a lot of friends and people that I thought were similar and spiritual and like-minded who were not living that way. It was messing with me big time. I thought ‘Am I just in fear? What’s going on? How am I the only person who is really taking it super serious and protecting my family?’ There was a period of time when people I knew didn’t believe that masks worked. You feel judgy, it doesn’t mean you have to agree and continue a relationship, but you have to give people the space to be where they’re at. It was a very hard lesson.

On maintaining boundaries and being empathic
Boundaries are the thing I work on the most in life. Whether that is with my kids, my partner, work friends. It’s just a constant thing for me. I’m a lover not a fighter. I’ve also had to start learning the difference between codependency and being sensitive and empathic. I give out so much energy in order to create harmony so I feel safe. Then I’m drained. Boundaries are difficult for me but I’ve learned them. You have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. That was a huge lesson for me. When I set a boundary, when I’m radically honest, I’m always so blown away by how people respond, by how the universe responds.

She was asked if she had postpartum depression with her second baby
Not so much this time around. With Evie because I had her in London and had to go back to work… in Vancouver, I had to travel with her. At the time, Chan wasn’t available to be with us. It was me, my doula and Evie traveling when she was 6-7 weeks. I went right back to work, thinking ‘Ok I think I can do it. It will be two months after I’ll be able to have her on set.’ That was really hard. It was two months after I did have her on set constantly. It was just really difficult. I had a lot of postpartum anxiety. I just never stopped. You’re working all day, breastfeed, pumping, without a partner. It was just craziness. This time around I was so grounded. Even though the world was crazy I was home and in this love nest.

[From the Dear Gabby Podcast]

I found myself nodding when they talked about how their friendships have changed with people who didn’t take the pandemic seriously. Plus they both said they made friends online, which is true for me too! I love you guys. There was so much more I got out of this conversation, particularly when Jenna and Gabby talked about teaching children that they’re not responsible for other people’s feelings. That’s a lesson I still have to learn too.

As for what Jenna said about Channing, it’s not so bad in content, right? She didn’t shade him, she just described their circumstances after having her first baby. Jenna admitted that she thought she could go back to work no problem and that it was so much harder than she imagined. It sounds like they had an agreement for their careers that didn’t work out the way they expected. From what we can see they’re doing fine coparenting. Plus Jenna just seems so committed to happiness and spirituality that I doubt there are any hard feelings.

Photos via Instagram
