IT Engineering and Proof Of Concept

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

IT Engineering and Proof Of Concept

Assure on time delivery of your project, within your budget.Meet your product requirements, within the defined quality standards.IT Projects are constantly challenged in their ability to meet the defined business case.There are multiple new technologies that are evolving rapidly and they promise panacea to all IT challenges.IT managers and executives continue to face the difficult questions on how to match the different solutions against their business requirements, and at the same time give a high level of confidence in their ability to meet the business case.Some obvious challenges are:In a typical scenario, IT managers do not consider performing a detailed POC internally. They depend on the competing solution vendors to do that job for them. In reality the vendors usually hijack this effort and provide this service by offering a solution wrapped around their products. Often this do not meet the customer's objective. Customers can make informed decision through an impartial Proof-Of-Concept performed for the the products / technical solutions.It is very clear, that the only way to eliminate the unknowns and improve the success of an IT project is to engage early. Always validate your concept through a controlled proof of concept. Do this before you settle on the architecture and design and assure all your required results will be delivered, within the required quality and cost. Improve the predictability of your project.Proof of conceptWhy is POC required?Performing a proof of concept (POC) gives us all the feedback and information of gotchas that we may not be aware, and allow the project team to adjust the design and drive changes and decisions well before the cost of backtracking becomes exorbitant and wasteful.New technologies bring with it a lot of idiosyncrasies of the new technology. When we validate our design concept through POC it gives you the opportunity to understand and evaluate how to best incorporate new technologies successfully into our organization and meet the functional and quality requirements, without committing a large budget spending on hardware, software and services to develop a full blown system.Our Architects and Program managers specialize in capturing your business requirements and converting to technical specifications covering infrastructure architecture and design, to ensure that they meet all functional requirements and technical specifications of the required deliverable. The requirement is then passed through a proof of concept project to deliver following results.Bake-off : Identify best of breed technical solutionsCompeting technologies are compared for the required results and the best product suited for the service is recommended. The process creates a product compatibility matrix and scores them against each critical requirement.Performance validation : Identify the best performing solutionThe select solutions are passed through a set of predefined test cases under a simulated test environment and results are published to validate the performancecharacteristics of a solution.Cost Benefit Analysis : Identify the most cost effective solutionThe selected solutions are sized for similar deliverables and then priced for initial development and implementation cost. Additional cost of maintenance and support of the product is included to determine the true cost of ownership (TCIL)Architecture and design : Identify the most effective implementation in your enterprise.The selected solution is developed and documentation with the design and architecture confirming to suite the requirement of your enterprise environment.Engineering plan : Identify the most effective project plan to implementConsult4poc services are retained to convert a conceptual idea to an engineered and implementable solution. A structured road map to the future with a project plans prepared for the delivery of the solution by the technical team.
