How to get Rayquaza in Indigo Disk

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Rayquaza can be found in the Indigo Disk DLC of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This green snake-like beast is one of the 25 returning Pocket Monsters in this DLC. Originally introduced in the third generation, Rayquaza has always been a favorite among Pokemon fans, and Scarlet and Violet players are glad to finally have this monster in the game.

If you are wondering how you can catch Rayquaza in the Indigo Disk DLC, you have come to the right place. We will walk you through everything you need to know to catch this Legendary serpent-like creature in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, including its location, requirements, and more.

Rayquaza location and unlock requirements in Indigo Disk | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

You will get a Rayquaza Treat from Snacksworth (Image via The Pokemon Company)

If you are thinking of catching Rayquaza early into the Indigo Disk narrative, we are sorry to break it to you: You will not be able to do so. Getting your hands on this Legendary Pocket Monster is a late-game venture, and you will have to play through most of the story to prepare for this beast in Scarlet and Violet.

Towards the end of your run in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk DLC, you will meet an NPC called Snacksworth at the entrance of Blueberry Academy. You will have to talk to him if you are interested in catching all the 25 returning Legendary Pokemon.

You must then complete the Blueberry Quests, which will get you the Rayquaza Treat from Snacksworth. There is no fixed order in which you get these Treats from this NPC. So, continue completing the Blueberry Quests until you are offered the Rayquaza Treat.

Rayquaza's location in this DLC (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Once you get this Treat, go to the location shown in the picture above, and you will find Rayquaza on top of a mountain. Use a Dragon-type Pokemon to fight and chip away the monster’s HP, or simply use a Quick Ball to catch it instantly.

Is Rayquaza shiny locked in Indigo Disk?

Shiny Rayquaza in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Unfortunately, Rayquaza is shiny locked in the Indigo Disk DLC of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It would be great to see a black Rayquaza soaring through the skies of Paldea, but that is not the case as of the writing of this article.

We hope that The Pokemon Company will release shiny variants for all shiny locked Pocket Monsters in Scarlet and Violet. That would make shiny hunting more fun.

You can read this article to learn about all returning Legendary beasts in this game.

Consider following us here to read about the latest updates from the fantastical world of Pokemon.

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