How to get Bird Eggs in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Players will always find satisfaction in the gameplay elements of The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, such as cooking, scavenging for food items, hunting for valuable treasures, and captivating side quests. These elements enhance the experience, immersing players deeply in the game world. The Cooking element stands out among these features, elevating the level of interest to new heights.

In The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, players are required to explore different regions to obtain food items for cooking and meal preparation. While food items can be purchased, they can also be acquired through exploration.

However, finding specific food items in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom for free can be quite challenging. One such example is Bird Eggs. They are easily available for purchase, but obtaining them for free requires players to locate specific regions.

How to locate and obtain Bird Eggs in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Wow Quests, a YouTuber, recently posted a video to share helpful tips on how you can obtain Bird Eggs. While these eggs can be found in forest regions on trees and mountain regions, the content creator recommends a specific place to locate more of them.

Located near the Mount Dunsel region (Image via Nintendo)

You are advised to head to Cape Cales, located near the Mount Dunsel region. By approaching the cliffs of Cape Cales and utilizing the Paraglider, you can carefully search for rocky sections on the mountain.

Rocky areas can be found in the Mount Dunsel region (Image via Nintendo)

Numerous rocky areas can be found in the Mount Dunsel region, making it easier to locate the Bird Eggs.

Players must explore the mountain corners for Bird Eggs (Image via The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom)

You should employ your Paraglider and thoroughly explore the mountain corners. You are likely to encounter various rock formations and, consequently, Bird Eggs.

Across the In the Great Sky Island region, players can get the Bird Eggs (Image via The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom)

You also have the opportunity to discover Bird Eggs in the Great Sky Island region. As you explore this area, you must carefully examine each tree to uncover these eggs.

Bird Eggs serve multiple purposes. They can be used in delightful dishes such as Omlet and Crepes. Additionally, they play a crucial role in the preparation of complex recipes like Gourmet Poultry Pilaf and Prime Poultry Pilaf.

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