How to easily make a Bug Platter

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Disney Dreamlight Valley’s latest “Pride of the Valley” Lion King update has introduced a fair number of new features and additions to the life simulation title, including new recipes and missions that players will be able to enjoy. This recent update introduces the beloved couple of Simba and Nala, letting players finally make them residents of their Valley, only after completing their main quest.

Simba and Nala’s main quest is known as Eyes in the Dark and isn't all that difficult to complete if you follow the various quest hints. Unfortunately, players seem to be having problems with one particular portion of this mission where Simba asks you to cook a 5-star Bug Platter.

It’s one of the newer recipes that was added to Disney Dreamlight Valley with the recent update, which is possibly why many seem to be struggling with it. Today’s guide will go over the steps you must follow to successfully cook the Bug Platter for Simba and Nala in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

Cooking the Bug Platter in Disney Dreamlight Valley

As mentioned, the Bug Platter is one of the newest dishes that was added to the title with the latest Lion King update. Not only did it introduce Simba and Nala to the game, but it also brought recipes that are required to complete their missions if you're looking to add them as a permanent resident to your Valley.

The Bug Platter dish is a throwback to the iconic scenes from the Lion King films when Simba learnt to eat bugs instead of meat and it quickly became his favorite food. To make the dish as seen in the movie, you must collect three types of Bugs in the game: Colorful Bugs, Red Bugs, and Slimy Bugs.

Fortunately, you likely won't have to go around collecting these ingredients all over the map. If you have been following Simba’s missions up to this point, you will already have a fair number of these in your inventory.

To make this recipe, you will need:

Once you have these, all you need to do is access the cooking station that's set up right beside Nala and throw all the bugs into the pot. The cooking process will start automatically, allowing you to easily create the 5-star Bug Platter for the beloved couple.

When this is done, the next objective for their mission will be revealed, allowing you to eventually unlock the new characters in Disney Dreamlight Valley as you progress further.

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