Gerard Baden-Clays father Nigel denied close contact with son

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

THE father of Gerard Baden-Clay has been banned from having a contact visit with his imprisoned son.

Nigel Baden-Clay has applied to gain direct access to the former real estate agent, 41, who last month was charged with murdering his wife Allison, but has been denied it by authorities.

Mr Baden-Clay Sr has already visited his son at Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre but it was a "non-contact" visit. They remained separated by glass, but could hear each other talk. A contact visit means they would be in the same room and could hug.

All conversations on the phone or in person between prisoners and visitors are monitored by Queensland Corrective Services officers and can also be recorded, except those with the prisoners' lawyers.

The Courier-Mail understands Mr Baden-Clay Sr demanded to see his son at Indooroopilly police station when Gerard was first arrested and charged on June 13 with murder and interfering with a corpse.

Gerard Baden-Clay has had several visitors since being jailed, including from high-profile criminal lawyers Chris Nyst and Michael Bosscher.

However, it is understood only his original solicitor, Darren Mahony, has been retained, along with barrister Peter Davis SC.

Gerard Baden-Clay was denied bail in the Supreme Court last month after the judge determined he was a flight risk.

He was recently transferred to a protected cell and his case is due back in court next week.

Baden-Clay reported to police that his wife, 43, went missing on April 20. Her body was discovered at Kholo Creek 10 days later after an extensive search.

The signage at his Century 21 office at Taringa, in Brisbane's inner west, has since been removed and his family have spent the past week clearing out the rented Brookfield home where Gerard and wife Allison had lived with their three daughters.
