Five Reasons CBS Needs to Renew "Life in Pieces"

April 2024 · 3 minute read

On Thursday, March 31, CBS aired the season 1 finale of the American sitcom, Life in Pieces. The hour-long special (which you can watch here) featured some of the best bits of comedy, romance, and surprises notorious to Pieces ever since its debut last September. However, despite generally positive reviews and a season average of 8.7 million viewers per episode, CBS has yet to announce its renewal for a second season. Here are five reasons why we think Life in Pieces should definitely come back:

5. The Format

While similar to Modern Family in concept — spotlighting multiple branches of a family in each episode — Pieces adds its own unique twist by dividing each episode into four distinct short stories, one per branch of family. This format brings a structural freshness to primetime television, and provides viewers with maximum laughter, emotional ups-and-downs, and character attachment in its half-hour time slot. No other show on television executes this format as well as Pieces; we’d hate to see its ingenuity gone to waste!

4. The Cast

Simply put, the cast is perfect. You’ve got veterans such as 3-time Oscar recipient Dianne Wiest and former Breaking Bad star Betsy Brandt sharing the screen with new faces such as Niall Cunningham and Holly Barrett. From 8-year-old Giselle Eisenberg to 75-year-old James Brolin, the Pieces cast is brimming with talent and ridiculously lovable. Check out this behind-the-scenes video from the last production day of the season to see how well the stars get along both on and off the camera:

3. The Chemistry

Whether it’s a passionate kiss between Colleen and Matt or Tim giving Tyler some hilarious father-son advice, the love between the characters is so real it radiates through the screen. Every Thursday night we feel welcomed into a family as real as our own, bonded by each individual’s quirks and unconditional love for each other. As every jigsaw puzzle piece fits perfectly, so does each member of the Pieces family. And it’s a joy to watch.

2. We Want to Know What Happens Next!

The season finale left us with countless questions and cliffhangers. For example, what will become of Tyler and Clementine’s marriage? Will Greg ever get his job back? Is Lark going to get a little sister or a little brother? Is Tim’s Cinderella dress going to work for next year’s tournament? Are John, Joan, Matt, and Colleen going to have a double wedding? So many questions, there has to be a season two!

1. It’s Pretty Much the Best Show on TV

Television will suffer without Life in Pieces. What will we Lifers do without the week-long grind for Thursday nights? How could we ever go on without laughing ourselves to tears at the Shorts-Hughes family and their crazy antics? Do they actually expect us to survive without our OTP, Molleen (Matt+Colleen)? Pieces has an originality and freshness that can be found nowhere else on TV; it’s the perfect blend of quirkiness and relatability, laughter and heartbreak, silliness and satire. More than anything else, every episode leaves us our chests heaving with laughter, our cheeks stained with tears, and our hearts bursting with love.

Do you hope Life in Pieces will be renewed? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @CelebMix!
