Charles Dickens 'gave characters a secret queer side'

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Pip and Herbert from Great Expectations are among those who really have homosexual leanings, the study by Dr Holly Furneaux of Leicester University claimed.

Often Dickens' male characters "conveniently" fall in love with the sister of their best friend, which she read as further evidence that he had woven the suggestion of homosexual relationships into his plots.

She said there were a "raft of prejudices" about supposedly strait-laced Victorians and Dickens in particular that stopped such writing being seen for what she thought it was.

"We have positioned him as this figure of respectability," said Dr Furneaux, a lecturer in Victorian Studies.

But rather than being a writer interested in "hearth and home" and the nuclear family, he was interested in all sorts of sexual relationships, she said.

In Great Expectations, when Pip and Herbert first meet and have a fist fight at Miss Havisham's house, it soon turns into a caring exchange in which Herbert offers Pip a bottle of water and a sponge.

Later, Herbert nurses Pip.

"There's a wonderful scene in which Pip says, 'Look at me' and Herbert says 'I do look at you, my dear boy'.

"'Touch me', asks Pip and Herbert replies 'I do touch you, my dear boy'."

Nursing had intensely erotic connotations in Victorian times, she argued.

"That's as close as Dickens can get [to homosexual relations]," she said.

"He is not writing pornography; he is writing for a respectable audience."

Dickens' work is littered with what she described as "sibling body doubles, where a male character conveniently falls in love with their best friend's sister".

For example, in Martin Chuzzlewit, John Westlock falls in love with his friend Tom Pinch's sister Ruth.

Dr Furneaux, who has written a book on the subject called Queer Dickens, said: "Before John even meets Ruth, he is thinking about how pretty she will be and fantasising about this beautiful version of John."

Dr Vybarr Cregan-Reid, a lecturer in 19th century literature at Kent University, said that what Dr Furneaux was trying to do was present a "corrective" to previous "queer studies" which showed that male characters who got too close to each other were punished.

He also cautioned that when looking at Dickens "same sex desire and homosexuality are not the same thing".
