Benedict Cumberbatch & Gary Oldman rumored to be confirmed for Star Wars VII

May 2024 · 4 minute read

cumby esquire

Benedict Cumberbatch covers the February issue of Esquire Malaysia. It’s a cute photo, raised pinkie and all, and I’m pretty sure this is a reprint from a photoshoot Benedict did with People Magazine months ago. Remember the top hat and tails he wore for People? There was even a video of it:

Yeah. It’s from the same photoshoot! But it’s still enjoyable. I wish Cumby would do more magazine stuff – he’s such a great (and often bitchy) print interview and I feel like his publicist is probably on the verge of a nervous breakdown every time Benedict sits down with a reporter. Anyway, since my Cumberbitch ears heard “Cumberbatch… Esquire,” I included some of the older shots from Cumby’s American Esquire shoot several months ago too. Sex Gloves! You are welcome.

Meanwhile, there are lots of stories about Benedict definitely (!!) being cast in Star Wars now. I should note: these are still rumors, even if all of the fan-boys are about to piddle on the carpet from excitement. We have no confirmations of anything, not even a second confirmation in a trade paper. This is all fan-boy rumor-mongering on blogs. So, with that caveat in place, let’s rumor-monger:

According to 3D blog Market Saw, a ‘top source’ has given them a quick update on ‘Episode VII’ casting news… and apparently, a brief hint at the overall plot.

“Ian McDiarmid, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, Warwick Davies, Benedict Cumberbatch and Gary Oldman [have been cast],” he said. “I believe Cumberbatch and Oldman were pursued for the same role, but I don’t know how that will work out with the script changes, but I’m told they are both involved.”

Now, none of these rumours give us anything new… except to apparently ‘confirm’ that these actors have signed on. But Cumberbatch and Oldman for the same role? I’m really not sure I can see it. I mean, granted they’re both British actors, but would they really both be up for the same part?

And then there’s the plot…

“Ultimately it’s about twins,” he explained. “Which will take a path towards darkness and which will follow in their father’s footsteps, or at least that is what it used to be, that may come later as I think changes are being undertaken to bring the original cast into the forefront of the story leading to ramifications that lead up to the next generation of Skywalkers.”

Essentially, what he’s saying is that it’s going to be about the next generation of Skywalkers and one of them will fall to the Dark Side. Not exactly mind-blowing, considering that we’ve already heard plenty of rumours and speculation that the Solo twins – Jaina and Jacen in the ‘Star Wars’ novels – could be the main thrust of the ‘Episode VII’ story.

But apparently, there’s already been some issues when it comes to that pesky plot.

“Many Star Wars pre-production issues,” he said. “An ‘inadequate’ central story which nobody would stamp off on, a problematic initial release date and an ‘indecisive’ director (J.J. Abrams) with the hardest gig in the industry. It’s not going to be a cakewalk, but it will be a product shipping with the majority of its original parts.”

Considering the recent ‘Episode VII’ delay – pushing the release back to Christmas 2015 – it just seems like another educated guess. We already know the script had been handed over to Lawrence Kasdan and J.J. Abrams… but the extent of these ‘issues’ remains a mystery.

[From Yahoo Movies UK]

Benedict AND Gary Oldman? That would be something. Gary and Benedict are friends, you know. And Gary calls him “Cumby” affectionately too. If Cumby does do Star Wars – which I’m actually not even wishing on him – but if he does do it, I want him to play a badass character, a Sith or some kind of hardcore supreme Jedi. I don’t want Cumby mucking around with child actors/twins or have him cast as some small, barely influential character. Sith Cumberbatch has a nice ring to it. Darth Cumby. I’m telling you, if he’s going to do it, he should be a villain.

(PS… Do you think Tommy Hiddleston is crying fan-boy tears at this news?)

Photos courtesy of Esquire.
